Monday, October 12, 2009

Greek Gods and Goddesses

On top of Greece's Mount Olympus, 12 Gods ruled the world and universe. All of the olympians are related in one way or another. The powerful leader Zeus came to rule after he overthrew his father, Kronos.

Zeus was the leader of all the Gods and was God of the sky. His mood would effect the weather. If Zeus was happy, a clear day full of sunshine would rein over the Earth. If Zeus was angry, violent and stormy clouds would fill the skys. When angered, Zeus threw thunderbolts to calm himself down. Married to Hera, but was also believed to have many lovers.

Hera was the queen of Olympus. Wife and sister to Zeus, Hera was the goddess of marriage.

Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and God of the sea. In a bad mood, Poseidon would cause earthquakes and harsh sea conditions. Poseidon can be the best friend to a sailor and can also be his worst enemy. Poseidon lives in a great palace beneath the sea.

Hades was the king of the dead and the underworld. Brother to Zeus, Hades was sentenced to rule the underworld when his attempt to overthrow Zeus failed.

The protector of sailors, Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. The daughter of Zeus, she is believed to raise out of the sea on a shell.

Being an archer and hunting with a silver bow, Apollo was the God of music and healing. The son of Zeus, Apollo had a twin sister named Artemis. It was believed that Apollo would only hunt at night.

Ares was the God of war. Son of Zeus and Hera, it was believed that Ares was cruel and also a coward. Ares also carried a bloody spear to intimidate the Gods around him. Even though Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera, neither one of his parents liked him. Ares was not a very liked God.

Artemis, the twin sister to Apollo, she was the goddess of the hunt and protector of women during child birth. Daughter to Zeus and Leto, Artemis loved all wild animals and hunted with silver arrows. It was believed that Artemis like her twin brother Apollo, only hunted at night.

The Goddess of wisdom, Athena was also brilliant in the art of war and combat. It is believed that Athena helped heroes like Hercules and Odysseus become the legends and heroes they became. It is also believed that Athena was Zeus's favorite daughter and was carved from Zeus's forehead.

In the time of war and rebellion, Hephaestus was most likely the most important God of all. Hephaestus was the God of fire and forge and was responsible for making the armor and weapons for the other Gods. While making equipment for war, it was believed that he loved peace. Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera and was the husband to Aphrodite.

Believed to be the most gentle of all the Gods, Hestia was the Goddess of the hearth. Being the oldest of all the Olympian Gods, Hestia is also the older sister of Zeus.

Hermes was the son of Zeus and the messenger God. Known to be a trickster or swindler, Hermes was a friend to thieves. While wearing winged sandals and a winged hat, Hermes was the fastest of all the Gods and also carried a magical wand.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading about the different gods and goddesses. Some you brought up were not as popular as others and I enjoyed hearing about them.
