Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Incas in the Andes Mountains

With harsh wind, cold winters, and steep slopes, most people would think that establishing a civilization would be impossible. The Incas, however, settled in the Andes mountains and their region grew to 2,500 miles in length in the fifteenth century. The Incas were not the only civilization to settle in the Andes mountains, but they were the most well known and successful civilizations to settle the Andes. Beginning in the mountains of Peru in the early 13th century and lasted until the 15th century. Unfortunately, civil war and exposer to European diseases brought the Inca Empire to an end.

The Andes mountains is one of the longest stretch of Mountain in the world. The mountain stretches to 4,400 miles in length. Found in South America, the Andes mountains stretches from Venezuela all the way south to the bottom tip of Argentina. The average altitude of the Andes is around 13,000 feet but at some places the mountain can peak as high as 20,000 feet.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about trying to establish a civilization in such conditions, that would have been so difficult.
