Sunday, November 15, 2009

Iconic symbols of Buddha and Jesus

In the two faiths of Christianity and Buddhism, there are two icons that come to mind. When someone thinks about the Christian faith, the image of a starving, beaten, bloody man nailed to a cross. To a person that has no idea about Jesus or Christianity, this image is not very appealing.

In Buddhism, the iconic image is of a very round and plump man with a big smile on his face and he is sitting with his legs criss-crossed. On image alone, I believe that Buddhism is more appealing than Christianity. The Buddha looks jolly and inviting to all who care to listen.

If a person had to choose to follow a religion based only on how the icon of that religion appeals to them, I truely believe that person would choose to follow Buddhism. When looking at the the image of a bloody Jesus nailed to a cross, this tells me that this man has suffered a lot of pain and to be honest, makes the image of Christianity very depressing. Buddha, however, sits with his legs crossed and his giant belly sticks out while wearing a warm and welcoming smile on his face. Legend says that if a person rubs Buddha's belly, that person will have good luck.


  1. I like this post, it was very intersting!

  2. We had a discussion in a class in grade school about what archaeologists would think if they uncovered a crucifix. Without the religious context to explain its role as salvation in Christianity, they might well think we hold torturous death in high esteem.
