Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mixture of Culture

Today we have airplanes, trains, cars and many other forms of transportation. People travel for vacation, work, school and many other things. In doing so, people are able to learn about other areas of the world whether it be in another state or halfway around the globe. Gradually, because of this travelling people pick up different things from the places they go such as material goods, lingo, ideas, and wealth. Slowly throughout time people slowly begin to shift culture from what they used to have to new ideas and materials. Culture gets passed around so much that slowly it becomes normal for an American to have a Spanish style house and eat many different Italian dishes at meals. Because it becomes normal people do not always think of it as the spreading around of ideas but instead just a modernization of culture. This mixing of culture soon forms a "melting pot" of ideas and people. America mainly but other countries as well are full of these traditions and mixture of culture.

Most people do not even think about this modernization that takes place. It is interesting to note that because of these traveling ideas, people often get a slanted view of the true culture of a certain place. A good example of this is some restaurants we have in the U.S., Taco Bell for instance sell Mexican food, so in every aspect people expect to get true Mexican food when they eat at taco bell. This slanted view of what true Mexican cuisine taste like often leads to ignorance and stereotypes. While people still enjoy the food they are eating, they are still somewhat mislead by saying Taco Bell is Mexican food. Same things are true with say Chinese restaurants. America itself has developed somewhat of a difference between Taco Bell and say "real" Mexican cuisine by using the term authentic.

Because the world has changed so much since the days of the first trading and expedition of ideas, it is evident that through this mixture of cultures that there is some culture lost to modernization. It is interesting though that country all over the globe fight hard for the preservation of there culture. While other simply want to explore other cultures.

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